1. All exhibitors pay at gate and entry fees adjusted accordingly.
2. Entry fees and exhibitors fee must be in the hands of the secretary at least 10 days prior to the fair when possible.
3. Passes will be as follows: Halter Horses 1 attendant to every 3 horses: 1 attendant to every 4 head of cattle.
4. All exhibits must be at owner's risk.
5. All exhibits must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor.
6. All stock must be securely tied and cattle must be shown on halter.
7. No animals will be allowed to compete in more than 1 Class except, Group Classes & Championships.
8. No animal or article deemed unworthy shall be awarded a premium. No premium shall be withheld merely because there is no competition, but the Judge shall award the grade of premium according to the merits of an animal or article exhibited.
9. In all cases the Judge's decision will be final.
10. Protests, if any, must be made in writing, signed, and filed with the secretary together with a deposit of $5.00 on the day of the fair. Deposit will be forfeited if protest is not sustained.
11. The right to alter, interpret, amend, add to or cancel any of these rules or to grant relaxation from them in individual cases is referred to the Board of Directors.
Should dispute of difference arise between an exhibitor whether a private individual, company, corporation or government, and the Association or its Officers, the dispute or difference shall be referred to the Board of Directors whose decision shall be final.
12. The Millbrook Agricultural Society will not be responsible for accidents.
13. All prize money cheques must be cashed and prizes claimed before October 1, 2022.
14. The Millbrook Agricultural Society reserves the right to pay all prize money in full or part.
15. No children under 10 years of age are allowed to ride in the show ring except Junior Driving, when an adult must accompany them.
16. All Exhibitors are required to have their own liability insurance.